New Watercolor Collage


Here is the story of my new watercolor collage. It was going to be just a watercolor, but Isaac got a hold of my large scalloped paper punch, and chomped holes in the corners. I wasn't sure of what I should do, it was a mess, so I cut out around the image which somehow survived. Then it evolved from there, but no sooner had I put the finishing touches on it and laid it down to dry, the little monster threw a ball across the room and knocked half my desk, including the painting to the ground. After some touch-ups, it is finally done, and hopefully safe from the rapscallion, but is anything safe....really??
I need help with a title for this little painting.
Any suggestions?

My Precious Jewels

I am so excited about my new lovely jewels made by my friend Stina.
She and I did a little handmade swap, and I love the earrings and matching bracelet she gave me. They are made of the finest materials and were packaged so perfectly!
Check out her shop here, and her lovely blog here.

Thank you sweet Stina, I feel oh so pretty when I wear these!

A giveaway!

I'm popping in to say hi, and let you know there are some mytinystar items being given away on this lovely blog.

I haven't hosted a giveaway for a while, so I'd like to thank Mique for doing it for me.
I have so many projects going all at once, it makes my head spin, now if I can just get a couple finished!
Is it normal for a mother of an 8, 3 and 1 year old to celebrate (with loud singing) the first time a child remembers to remove his shoes at the front door? Or smother the same child with kisses and praise when he doesn't bite while I brush his teeth. That's my life in a nutshell.