The other night I was in a patriotic mood and I did these little watercolor paintings.
I am so excited for our small town celebration!

Some of my most memorable 4th of July memories:
-The showering sparks of the overhead fireworks (and the occasional ground explosion)
-Driving the horse carriage carrying the mayor and his wife (and not killing anyone)
-Being a Floozy in the Melodrama!
-When I was 8, I used cardboard, scissors and tape to transform my bike into a beautiful horse and ride it in the parade dressed as a cowgirl (I made it half-way and flicka fell apart)
-Mmmmm, shaved ice!
-Watching the rodeo (wishing the greased piglets would get away and run free)
-Skinny dipping in the dam (what's more American?)
-The Fish Pond (I always wanted to be like Polyanna and pull out a full sized porcelain doll)
-Selling watermelon wedges and dill pickles all day and making about $3.50 (anyone remember the size of the watermelon wedges on Polyanna? Mine were the same size, and about the same price)
-Sparklers, Flowers and Snakes! Oh, and smoke bombs on occasion.
-Being hot, sweaty and sticky, and not caring one bit!

I love the 4th, and I hope my children can share some of the same memories!
I hope you all have a lovely Independence Day!