I know, it's simply ridiculous that I have been absent from blogland for so long!
I have a billion excuses, like: Holiday craziness, the whole family cycling through at least 3 different viruses, daydreaming, multiple family trips, house guests, thinking really hard about starting an exercise program, playing with friends, eating way too much chocolate fondue...wait, there is no such thing as too much chocolate anything, playing with my little monsters...sometimes angels, but today they were monsters, writing run-on sentences, and getting ready for my display at our little local gallery.
I have a billion excuses, like: Holiday craziness, the whole family cycling through at least 3 different viruses, daydreaming, multiple family trips, house guests, thinking really hard about starting an exercise program, playing with friends, eating way too much chocolate fondue...wait, there is no such thing as too much chocolate anything, playing with my little monsters...sometimes angels, but today they were monsters, writing run-on sentences, and getting ready for my display at our little local gallery.

This is my display at out local library's gallery. The librarians were so nice and helpful, and one of them mentioned that they have never had a display quite like this one. I hope that is a good thing! I have more creations to put on display, but I've been procrastinating. You see, I just took my Christmas tree down today. I just couldn't take it down when Isaac's eyes would light up each morning, and with a big grin he would say "Miss-miss tree lights on!". Then he would race down the stairs to turn them on, climb into my lap with his blankie "loodlelady", and thumb, and stare at the sparkling tree, and I would stare at the sparkles in his eyes. But during the past week or so, all ornaments on the lower half of the tree had been lovingly removed by Isabelle, and I think Isaac lost enthusiasm when he realized Santa wasn't coming again anytime soon. So, goodbye tree! We will see you in about 10 months. (AAck)

I love giving and getting unique and personalized gifts for the holidays. I painted this picture of my Oma and Opa to give to Oma for Christmas. Opa always wore dark glasses, but I saw a picture of the two of them before they were married, as they were joyfully playing in the sunshine. He didn't have his glasses on in that picture, and I wanted to capture them at that time in their lives. I hope Oma liked it. I loved going through all the wonderful pictures and stories in the book she had made for each of us! With the help of my dad and cousin, she made a beautiful hardbound book with the story of her life, complete with photos and letters. I will treasure it always!

We had a lovely warm visit with my dad in Phoenix. I had always dreamed of riding a camel, and now that dream has been fulfilled! I don't think Isaac had ever dreamed of riding a camel, but now he can aim a bit higher in his dreaming than his silly mom. Now all I have to do is swim with dolphins, hug a koala, and ride an elephant, then my life will be complete. Well, at least when it comes to animal encounters. The Phoenix Zoo is fabulous, and I sure didn't mind that it was about 75 degrees! It sure beats negative 7!

What a good dad, watching closely so our little lad doesn't go kersplash. We loved Arizona, and on our way to the airport when we were going home I had to stop in Mesa
at the Blissful Living Studio.
at the Blissful Living Studio.
It was a visual feast! I wish they had something like that here. I told them they should set up online classes or something.

Thrift stores rock!
so glad you're back! i wish i could come see your library exhibit in person, but it looks lovely. sounds like you made some great memories over the holidays! i'll be looking forward to more posts!
Glad to have you back, I will admit I have missed seeing your creations. I just love them.
I missed you!!! I just said last night I wondered how you were doing to Joey, promise. So, I love the library display. That is so cool! I bet they will never want to take it down. And so many magical pictures of you guys having so much fun. I think that Isabelle is so darling I can't stand it. I love your family picture.
Oooh! So much news. I love it. I saw your exhibit - live and in person it is even more fabulous. I miss the zoo. We used to be so close. I love getting your blog update.
Oh, how I love you Star! Reading your blog is like eating candy.
Here's what I liked best in this one:
* The goat symphony (it's so true! You and Andrew should get together and compare creative metaphors)
* Thinking about exercise (it can sometimes be more exhausting than actually doing it)
* The endangered Rainbow Dragons (just tell me who to donate money to. I'm totally on board with keeping them from total extinction).
* Pink skates (hopefully Isaac still thinks thrift stores rock when he's wearing pink dresses to school)
* The AMAZING picture of your grandparents (Is it okay that I just stared and stared and loved it?! Don't be super surprised if commissions just start flooding in)
Anyway, welcome back to the blogging world! Keep it coming.
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