Foxy Loxy

I'm not sure what drives me to do the things I do.
An insanely scattered brain... an enormous amount of semi-sweet chocolate chip munching at midnight... perhaps I have a tiny alien inhabiting my inner ear.
Of course while having a million other things to do including much needed housework, I found it necessary to do these illustrations.
They weren't created for any particular reason, I just sketched them one day and thought they would be fun to digitally color.

I was happy with how they turned out, and Isaac loves them.
I am excited to have something that appeals to little boys in my shop
which is a bit overrun with girly things. They are going to be available in the
shop this week in a 5"x7" size.
Let me know what you think of Foxy Loxy, Cocky Locky and Goosey Loosey.


Jenny on March 14, 2010 at 10:02 PM said...

Goosey Loosey is my favorite. I love the pilot gear!

kate on March 15, 2010 at 8:26 AM said...

they are really wonderful! i like foxy best. he just looks so debonair!

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh - Why are you so talented~! What did you use to design these?

Star on March 30, 2010 at 4:32 PM said...

Hi Janelle,
They are hand-drawn, scanned, and digitally colored in photoshop. Thanks so much for your comment!

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