I have been working on a big project the past month, and it is just a few seams away from being finished. Whew! Pictures of this fabulous creation will be posted very soon.

I am so excited to announce that I've been invited to join Spoonflower. Spoonflower is a site that offers designers the chance to get their own designs printed on fabric. I have so many ideas, I just don't know what to do first. I promise you will be the first to see what I come up with. Well, I have to get back to those seams, I just thought I'd drop a note to say I'm still living.
Smooches, Star
Can't wait!!!!!
Yay! That's so cool!
I just wanted to mention - I have no idea why this is happening, but I have you linked on my blog, and I am "following" your blog through blogger, and neither has been showing your new posts - they are telling me you haven't updated in weeks! I don't know what you can do about it, but I thought you might like to know.
WOW! That's amazing!! Can't wait to see it!
i am so excited for you! how cool! hey, if you ever do any more winter/christmas themed prints i will be the first to snatch them out of your shop! i would love more to go with "warm woolen mittens!"
So my blog, for some crazy reason, doesn't pick up that you've updated this blog anymore and i kept thinking, that's strange, star hasn't shown us any of her new stuff...
then i looked into and realized that i had missed so much! so sorry. i better get reading and catch up!
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