Saturday I had this lovely vision of my children picking up the pieces of our old, decapitated snowman, and creating a Valentine version. I told them my great idea, they seemed somewhat interested, I enticed them with the offer of having friends come over, they were very interested.
So when the friends came, somehow they kept themselves occupied with everything but snowman building. I kept reminding them of their super fun snowman project they wanted to do so badly, which my daughter lovingly reminded me that it was my idea. They did go outside, but instead of helping my grand vision come to fruition, they pelted each other with ice-balls.
When they came in drenched and cold, I asked how the snowman turned out, and they replied that they found better things to do.
Better? What could be better than a Valentine snowman??
So as they sipped their cocoa I made my very own. It wasn't the jovial, bonding experience I had envisioned, though the kids did knock on the window every so often to encourage me.
She's not that attractive, but you wouldn't be either if you had potatoes for eyes. I just couldn't have a decapitated snowman on Valentine's day.
They all loved her, especially her tomato lips. If I would have just gone out with them to begin with, I'm sure my vision would have been complete.
But it was cold out there.

Happy V-Day, may your heart be warmer than Mrs. Snowmom!